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    斜杠艺术生 | 看不懂马蒂斯?让耀华学生告诉你参观艺术展能学到什么


    2023 年 12 月 05 日

    13 : 09

    • “艺术生嘛,只要学好画画就可以啦!”








      11月,上海耀华古北校区进行了本学期最大规模的一次Field Trip艺术研学,全校师生前往了UCCA尤伦斯当代艺术中心,参观「Matisse by Matisse 马蒂斯的马蒂斯」大型艺术展览。









      高二年级 Sarah Zhang同学英语作文

      We went to the exhibition of Matisse at UCCA edge in the afternoon of 8th, Nov with classmates. There are three floors for this exhibition. From works on first floor, I knew about Matisse’s experience of learning art. At first his tried different medias like sculpture, stamping, then he also drew many paintings and sketches. From these drawings, I can tell that he has very steady foundation that supports him to create a variety of styles.


      Among all the masterpieces, I especially like his live drawings. The lines seem to be very simple yet coherent, which clearly show the movement of subjects. It’s mainly because his sketches has many curves and straight parts to balance the whole movement. The change of thickness of the lines were also very detailed. Like when the part is facing dark, the line would be thicker; when the part is details on the body, the line would be fine and thin.


      Moreover, Matisse can also draw body with texture really well. During the time I studied his works, I did some imitations of his live drawings and felt his catching of the movement is really natural. By analyzing his live drawings, I can learn many important skills and know where should I improve to get better.


      What also impressed me from the exhibition was the part when Matisse started trying cutting-paper as prints on second floor were also remarkable. I can tell it’s an

      innovative way of art. The cutting edge left after printing makes it looks natural and most of them used pretty bright colors.


      On the other hand, I found that Matisse was good at observing his life and surroundings. He created many objects he met into forms of art. For example, when he went to a lake, he created two big drawings to describe the landscape he saw from the lake up to the sky. For me, I think is an important element that I should learn from, which means to get inspiration everywhere in my daily life.


      高三年级 Sherry Wang同学英语作文

      This field trip with the school is the exhibition of Matisse's Matisse at the UCA Art Museum in Shanghai.


      Most of the students and teachers participated in this field trip. In today's exhibition, Matisse‘s manuscripts and line manuscripts are relatively large, and there are not many representative works. I saw that it was interesting. For example, there is a chapter in the exhibition that is Matisse’s book illustrations that I didn't notice before. Most of the portraits in these illustrations only talk a few strokes, but capture the charm of the characters. I saw that some friends who watched the exhibition were imitating these expressions, which was very interesting. Matisse drew a group of "Three Heads, To Friendship", which refers to Matisse and his friend, the French surrealist poet Gium Apollinaire and the French writer Andre Rouville. But I don't know why, when I look at this group of paintings, the friendship story of crosstalk actor Guo Degang "entrusting his wife and children" always comes to my mind. When Matisse was designing the Vance Chapel, he drew a draft of the Standing Virgin and Child, and the more he looked at it, the more he felt. Another gain is that I have the impression that Tasiti belongs to Gaug. This time I saw the exhibition and found that it also belongs to Matisse. In the chapter of Matisse and Fabrics, we learned that the Matisse family has lived in the Lecato-Cambrezi area for more than 300 years and has been engaged in the textile industry for generations. These exquisite fabrics have an important influence on Matisse's later creation, and Matisse also has a rich textile collection. I like this pair of "Woman in a Blue Gondola Robe" and the tapestry "Woman Playing Lute".


      This exhibition made me feel the painting-face change of the master very intuitively. I think there is something in common between children and the master. Children's painting is very pure. He doesn't have many so-called painting skills and painting theories. They just use brushes to draw their eyes or inner world. I think the master is looking at thousands of worlds, constantly trying, constantly practicing, constantly thinking, constantly learning, constantly abandoning, and finally returning to innocence.


      高二年级 Kitty Wu同学英语作文

      During our recent school field trip, the entire school had the opportunity to visit the "Matisse by Matisse" exhibition at UCCA Edge in the afternoon. I believe that this exhibition was beneficial for our students, it provided us with inspiration and allow us to learn new techniques. Even though Matisse is a famous artist, and his works can be viewed online, the short-distance visit provided us opportunity to observe details in texture, and media, that we would have missed.


      Personally, I found the exhibition could be helpful for my recent work. I’m able to gain inspiration from the artworks, gaining insights into material selection, sculpture building strategies, and artwork expression. One of the most significant techniques I learned from the exhibition was related to sketching. As I have been struggling with proportion and the muscle of the human body, I’m attracted by the sketches on display.


      I realized that Matisse had divided his sketches into two categories based on the amount of time spent on them. His short-term sketches seem simple but with extremely flexible lines, which is overall unity in the complete artwork. On his long-term sketches there are detailed skin textures, smooth muscle trends, and natural flow. I could learn various techniques from both types of sketches, and I plan to use these strategies into both my current and future works.


      高三年级 Rebecca Bian 同学英语作文

      November 8th, I went to the exhibition called “Matisse by Matisse” with the school.

      One thing that I feel that the art gallery has been creative is by putting many of these quotes on the wall. One quote that I really like is : “drawing is like making an expressive gesture with the advantage of permanence.” I totally agree with this opinion, that makes me to think of my work. I start to question myself, is the art I am creating now having this amount of expression? Do my work marks in audience’s heart? On the other hand, Matisse claims his ideas like jokes in his quotes. “My curves are not crazy”, many abstract artists are trying to prove themselves to the world that they are also artists. By looking at Matisse’s work, I would say that he is an artist with superior consciousness.

      Talking about my component three, Matisse could be a perfect artist to reference. He has a unique perspective while painting, this is one of things what I am lacking right now. Just like what I have mentioned in my previous paragraph, he makes me to reflect on the value of my work. I could possibly do artist copies on some of Matisse’s black and white works. Personally, I feel Matisse’s lines build up his style. I love the way how he analyzes both humans and objects in a simplified way.

      By knowing the full concept of Matisse, I would say that he is successful. He is the master of using color and expression, but most importantly, being the first man that starts draughtsmanship. Starting a new type of art requires a lot of bravery, this is something that I should intake the most. In my lifetime, I shouldn’t be too concerned on how others think I am, because they don’t know me enough.


      高二年级 Sammie Zhang同学语文作文















